
Cheapflights offers Kids Diversion guide!

Are you getting ready to plan a family trip? Are you expecting a long layover or do you just like to be prepared? Do you have children that get a little antsy when stuck in an airport?

Cheapflights is an online travel deals search engine. Cheapflights has the answer! They created a guide that will help ease the travel woes. It includes activities for 24 major US hubs and 10 International hubs! The 2009 Kids' Airport Diversion Guide also contains new information on TSA's family-friendly security lanes and which airports already use them! The best thing about the guide is that it's a free download! To give you an idea what this guide includes, I'm going to share some examples with you:

Chicago O'Hare International (ORD)
  • The Chicago Children’s Museum includes a Kids On the Fly interactive exhibit. It’s post-security, in Terminal 2.
  • In Terminal 5, Chicago Fire Department and the Chicago Children's Museum put an educational area together. This helps children learn how to respond in an emergency.
  • Chicago O'Hare International has been rated #1 for Most Kid Friendly Airports!

Orlando International (MCO)
  • Orlando International Airport is the first stop of fun when your family arrives in Orlando. It begins with the kid friendly art.
  • Orland International Airport includes a 3,000 gallon salt water fish aquarium with 100 aquatic creatures!
  • Orlando International Airport is rated 5 for Most Kid Friendly Airport!
I know first hand how hard a long layover can be on a child. Knowing that they are going to be stuck in a confined airplane soon doesn't help. So offering them some activities during a layover or delay may actually help get their energy out. I know it makes a much easier trip for mom!


tara said...

wow, this sounds Amazing, we have a couple vacations coming up that our family could really use something like this for! Thank you!